Saturday, July 27, 2013

Huffington Post Live Interview with me, Bella Andre and Jasinda Wilder

I'm still smiling over Bella Andre's generosity of inviting me to speak on a panel on Huffington Post Live with Nancy Redd. Jasinda Wilder and Cherise Fisher were there, also.

What a wonderful feeling -- to be included while two authors I have an enormous amount of respect for speak about their experiences.

If you haven't seen the video it's at  The segment is called, The Return of the Spicy Romance Novel

It's been just over two years since this wild ride started and I am still constantly amazed by the kindness, generosity and support I receive from other authors and my readers.

Thank you, Bella, for inviting me on the show and paving the way for those of us who follow behind.

Thank you, Nancy, for highlighting how women are using their stories to change their lives.

And, Jasinda, thank you for inspiring me.  Your journey has been amazing to watch and I can only imagine where you will be by next year!

And thanks again to all of my friends, family and readers who came out to support what was a wonderful experience for me.

Side note: my husband has been smirking since he heard the video, so proud that I mentioned his "contributions" lol