Thursday, September 1, 2011

The more you know -- Week 2 --- $6,000 sales (total)

My book was for sale for 12 days in August.  Total sales?  Close to $6000.  I'm not sure exactly what my itunes sales were, but I'm counting the reviews and I'm counting foreign sales in there.

What have a learned?  -
  • Hurricane Irene knocked out my internet access...making it impossible for me to promote and my ranking fell.  I'm still in the 200s on Kindle, but my goal for being in the top 100 just got further away.  Promotion helps.
  • Domain names are worth purchasing.  We all think we won't need them, but if you book does take off you'll want your name.
  • There are wonderful people out there who want to see you succeed.  Be careful not to be taken for a ride, but trust that sometimes they are just enjoying the ride with you.
  • Wix does not work on iphones and ipads.  Darn it, I just made my website on Wix.  I didn't know that using flash would limit who could see it.
  • Shelfari and Goodreads is worth getting involved in.  I'm exploring both myself.
  • Romance Novel Junkies...AKA a wonderful supporter of new writers.  If you don't know her and her website, you're missing out.
  • Shaina Richmond is a romance marketing genius.  If she ever writes a book on how to market your book, buy it.  I still can't believe she takes the time to help me out.  I feel like I'm taking a college course every time I speak to her.
  • Sometimes you have to follow your gut as far as when and how to release your book.  I've turned down opportunities now that didn't have the potential to pay off the way self-pubbing could.  Will it work out?  I don't know, but I'm going to try like hell.
  • Readers are amazing!  One woman stayed up all night looking for editing issues on my new book because she knew I couldn't yet afford an editor.  I fixed everything she found and my book is better because of it.  Now that is a nice person!
  • People will assume that any success you get is luck -- it is if your definition of luck is hard work, determination, and a dogged search for how to improve your chances of making it.
  • Husbands don't mind doing the dishes for you once your writing starts to pay
  • Write! Write! Write!  There is money in magnitude of material. 
  • Formatting gets easier.  I'm beginning to know how to fix the issues I see in other ebooks that have "real" publishers.
  • 70% royalties is always nicer than 20%
  • mailing lists are as mysterious to me as the global economy...but it looks like I'm going to have to learn about them 
  • Book bloggers are good....but busy.  I don't know where to find them or how...but it has been suggested that I learn.  So, learn along with me.
  • Oh, yes, and what you label your website is HUGE.  Searches are huge.  I'm still learning about this.  Really, if Shaina writes the book....I'm first in line to buy it.


  1. Ruth, thanks for sharing, your success gives us hope. A couple of quick comments. You need to get a 3G Internet device for emergencies and a solar charger for your laptop. When your business is online, you need a back up plan. Let me know if you need any recommendation. Did you sign with Amazon Associates? In that way, every link you put out there to sell your own books, it will get you extra cash. Most authors do, and Amazon allows it. About your website, yes, the whole Flash thing is overrated, it’s better to stick to html and quick loading graphics. If you love the flashy things so much, you can have a quick loading banner instead of the whole website in flash. Well, I better go back to my writing now, otherwise, I will never be able to join you at the top.

    Best of luck again.

  2. Ruth,

    You need to download Kristen Lamb's book "We Are Not Alone", the writer's guide to social media. Here's a link to her fabulous blog:

    In it she describes how to build a rigid foundation for your Brand, which is your name across MySpace,Wordpress,Facebook & Twitter. You're already in some of those. Along with your domain name and who to go to for a website. She's got loads of contact info in there too. She also explains how to find your readers. I'm in the process of building mine at the moment.

    I write contemporary romance and a dark urban futuristic vampire series. My first book is being edited as I write this and I'm in the middle of my 'free' read. I'm not launching myself until I have four under my belt.

    Thank you for sharing the journey, it's been interesting, and congratulations on your success.
