Sunday, June 5, 2011

My promotion plan is working!

Here are the cumulative numbers from April 21 - June 5th

3881 on (cumulative)
1021 on AmazonUS
4321 on AmazonUK
11 on Barnes and Nobel - Oh, B & N where's the love?

One month and almost 10,000 downloads. My AmazonUS download now averages 100 a day. That's about $35 a day. Not a bad beginning.

I'm working with a friend of mine who does product advertising to design a contest that would increase my traffic even more. I'll share each step with you as I go. Right now I'm working on sending out proposals to places that might donate a prize. I'm dreaming big, but realistically covering all of my bases --everything from a weekend at a bed and breakfast that looks just like a place out of my book to a gift basket. I'm going to spend several weeks plugging for free...if I have to do the prizes myself it will have to be more reasonable -- I'm a mother of 3.

Looks like I have to learn about:
  • randomizing software to choose the prizes
  • designing and using badges and button
  • making it easier for people to 1) find me 2) mention me
  • creating a buzz
Come back and join me as I share the whole process with you.
Wish me luck!

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